Monday, July 13, 2009

Take The Reins

Take the Reins is the first book in the Canterwood Crest story. There is an interesting story on how it got published. But first, let me tell you how the book got started.
Jessica Burkhart rode horses when she was a little girl...until eighth grade when she had aspinal fusion for severe scoliosis. During her recovering, she read a lot of magazines and learned that she could send in stories to the magazines. She learned to write queries and sent tons and tons and tons and tons of terrible ones to magazines. Each querie wasn't put into the magazines, but that didn't stop Jess! She wrote to patch up the hole that was left at her lack of riding.
After about 100 articles she wrote got accepted (that were about volunteering at the Humane Society, and NOT what she thought editors wanted) she joined National Novel Writing Month in November 2006 when she was a senior at Florida State University. The goal of National Novel Writing Month was the write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. On December 1st, 2006 the first draft of Take The Reins was finished!
Okay, so here's the cool part....
A year later, an agent was reading Jessica's blog and asked her if she could read her manuscript. After deciding, Jess sent her manuscript to NYC. After signing with the agent, and in ten days, she had a four book deal with from Simon & Schuster's Aladdin MIX!!!!!
How cool is that? Pretty cool, you gotta admit.
Jess is planning on having 8 books in the Canterwood Crest series. To read the first couple chapters of Take The Reins, visit LipSmacker Lounge. Also, Jessica has a Blogger account too. Here's the link to her blog....

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